Neuron Solutions


Over 30,000 hours

of professional project execution


professionally delivered

MORE THAN 450 Professionals

EMPOWERED THROUGH OUR training courses

Finding a remedy to pill production inefficiencies

Brought Richter teams up to speed on AI development and helped them translate their new-found knowledge into performance and quality gains with deep learning.

Establishing a connection between AI and the telecom sector

Introduced a leadership team to the science and real-life applications of artificial intelligence with a special focus on how it could supercharge the telecommunications industry.

Building AI success in business, mastered

Delivering a biannual master’s program in data science in cooperation with Greenfox Academy – based on a syllabus specifically designed for IBS students.

Changing the game in sports digitalization

Prepared a feasibility study on how AI-powered video motion analysis could help judges, coaches and athletes in rhythmic gymnastics reach the top of their game.

Powering efficient energy production with AI

Gave MVM teams advice on how AI can boost power plant equipment performance and predict potential breakdowns as well as electricity demand.

Turning cold calls into warm leads in telesales

Advised a company in the telemarketing space on using AI to help call center agents find the most promising leads and track customer sentiment during sales conversations.

Finding a cure for inefficacy in pharmacology

Developed an AI-powered analytics solution to drastically improve the speed, scope and success of pharmacology experiments on animals.

Providing engineers with a blueprint for working smarter

Enabled engineers to sort, review and leverage decades’ worth of technical drawings – and save a considerable amount of time and labor in the process.

Turning AI into a hot commodity in retail and event marketing

Designed a video analytics solution that enables retailers and event organizers to better understand buyer and visitor behaviors and maximize revenues.



“The experiences and the results we gained while working with Neuron Solutions clearly showed us that AI is no longer the privilege of research laboratories with astronomical budgets. Today almost any business can create AI tools in a timely and cost-efficient manner that can significantly speed up and simplify engineering workflows.”


“Collaborating with Neuron Solutions, we were able to systematically build competencies that we need to manage our own artificial intelligence development projects – and bring them to fruition. Or find the right suppliers who can help us get there.”


“During the workshop, we had the opportunity to learn about the basics of AI technology as well as the potential benefits it can bring to businesses, including several success stories from the energy sector. There were some fifty participants, and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Besides, the experts of Neuron Solutions also made recommendations on how two of our units could streamline operations using AI.”

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