As in most industries and business functions, artificial intelligence offers a wide range of applications in the field of human resource management to make the work of HR professionals easier and more efficient. In a broader sense, it can help companies with all tasks related to their employees, even in areas that are not day-to-day HR tasks but are essential, such as occupational safety&health or workforce planning in production plants.
A few weeks ago, we gave a presentation on this topic to the HR partners of the Budapest Institute of Banking (BIB). The first part of the programme was an AI primer, where we clarified the concept of AI, the core principles of the technology that makes AI work in practice – machine learning and neural networks – the potential applications, and last but not least the limitations of AI technology that need to be taken into account when designing AI applications.
We then talked about the potential applications of AI in the field of HR by presenting some of the already working applications and success stories from around the world, such as how to build more efficiently co-working teams, how to reduce the workload and stress of call centre agents, or how managers in large companies can communicate more effectively with their staff.
We are delighted to have been able to help BIB staff understand the potential of AI applications.
Our cooperation with BIB is set to continue: an introductory AI course will be held in the spring, for which you can register on the BIB website (to be held in Hungarian).