Levente Szabados, co-founder of Neuron Solutions, talked to Infotér about the way people nowadays see Artificial Intelligence.
The experience is that the ordinary people can’t really think abstractly about the topic, which is also not helped by the depictions in science fiction movies. For most people, the term AI conjures up images of some kind of physically tangible, robotic super-intelligence capable of autonomous action. But do they know what intelligence is?
According to Levente, intelligence is the ability to choose the best action and make the best decision in a given context. But there is still no ultimate definition of the term.
The article discusses the cult of correctness, is there a right answer for everything? Or is there something for which there is a right answer? “The question is not whether you know or don’t know, but with what certainty. What is 99 percent right is one percent wrong.”
It also turns out that it is much easier to model academic, expert knowledge than simple everyday knowledge. The teaching of AI in schools is also discussed, and Levente offers a platform for experimenting with AI.
“Don’t we have a problem with this that the Drake equation predicts the probability of the existence of another intelligent life form, but we can’t approximately predict some of the variables?” – asks Infoter. You can find the full interview (in Hungarian) on Infotér website.
If you’re interested in reading about Artificial Intelligence and the misconceptions about it, we recommend you read Neuron Solutions’ blog series: a brief history of Artificial Intelligence.