Neuron Solutions partners with Green Fox Academy for data science related Master’s programme at IBS
We are glad to announce our co-operation with Green Fox Academy to jointly support the Budapest based International Business School (IBS) in their Master’s programme “MSc in IT for Business Data Analytics”.
The purpose of the programme is to train young professionals, who will be able to occupy junior software developer or business analyst positions, thanks to their ability to perform various coding tasks and simultaneously interpret business information and identify business insights.
The curriculum relies heavily on providing data science, big data and artificial intelligence (AI) related skills to students of the programme. It’s our task at Neuron Solutions to prepare students for these competencies. The training material we put together specifically for this programme is balanced carefully between theory and practice ensuring that students understand the science behind the practice and can also build data analytics and AI solutions.
Students of the first academic year are about to graduate, while the second and third groups of students have already begun the programme. We look forward to continuing our co-operation with Green Fox Academy tutoring new students in the coming years.