We have given lectures on the practical, business use of Artificial Intelligence in a number of prestigious Hungarian universities
University students can obtain significant business and industrial insights in the guest lecturer programme „Program your future” in which Neuron Solutions also participated. We hold lectures to computer science, engineering and other students on Artificial Intelligence (AI) itself, how we can build AI solutions in practice and what improvements we can expect in our business by applying AI.
There was a huge interest in our lectures and courses in a number of Hungarian universities regarding both professors and students. Professors at several universities indicated that we would be welcome in the next semester. Additionally, they would be happy to involve Neuron Solutions in their internship programme.
It was an exciting and diverse job to talk about artificial intelligence to student audiences of various faculties, with different relevant prior knowledge and orientation.
You can also check further details of the program and some of our principles of how we organised the lectures in this article in the Hungarian press.