We have created three practical demo applications to bring AI closer to you. These demos are good examples that AI can be used for a lot of things. Of course, when we build an AI solution for businesses we do apply a lot more efforts and resources to reach professional level accuracy and ergonomics.
The first demo will take a picture of you on, which will identify your face and guess your mood. You can try to mislead the AI by intentionally changing your look.
The second demo will also take a picture to analyse the hand position. So here please show a hand sign to your PC’s camera. The AI will „find” the hand in the picture and highlight the fingers’ position and guess the meaning of the hand sign.
Finally, the third demo works with sounds, instead of images. More precisely, it will identify your mood by analyzing your recorded voice. You can attempt to trick it by an artificially happy or angry tone.
We hope our AI demos will be useful and amusing at the same time.
Cover photo: Gettyimages