AI training at Hungarian Energy Company MVM
We are glad to announce that we had the opportunitiy to hold a full-day introductory AI training for managers and experts of MVM Hungarian Electricity Works Ltd.
On the training, first we talked about the basics of this technology and possible benefits of its use in business through several use cases which included success stories in the electricity and energy industries. In the second part of the training, we took a specific example to go through the process of machine learning solutions and how to introduce them in an enterprise environment. Finally, the limitations and the related ethical issues of artificial intelligence were discussed.
Following the training session, we gave advices to two MVM organisational units on how their operations can be improved by introducing AI-based enterprise applications.
The training with 50 participants were successfully completed with a lot of positive feedback afterwards.
MVM keeps following the technological development and continuously seeks innovative solutions. We are proud to be part of that.